More than a quarter of a million copies sold in previous editions!
From home desktop to enterprise server, here's all the Linux you need.
With Fedora Core 6, you get the latest Linux technology and previews of upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux software. Run Fedora Core 6 live (no install required), install it to hard disk when you're ready, and add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages. Everything comes on the DVD and two CDs included with this book. Use the latest Linux desktop, server, and systems administration features as you learn skills that scale up to professional, commercial-quality Linux systems.
Configure Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux to:
* Create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets with productivity
* Manage and play music (Rythmbox), video (Totem), and digital images (GIMP) on the desktop
* Communicate over the internet using Evolution e-mail, Firefox Web browser, and GAIM
instant messanger
Try out cutting edge Fedora 6 features:
* Add 3D eye candy to your Fedora Desktop with AIGLX
* Install Fedora 6 on an Intel-based Mac to dual boot with Mac OS X
* Run Xen virtualization for multiple systems on your desktop
What's on the DVD and CD-ROMs?
* Install the complete Fedora Core 6 from the DVD.
* Boot Fedora 6 live and try it before installing it to your hard drive, or run a Fedora network
install from CD #1.
* Add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages for gaming, multimedia, and more from CD #2.
System Requirements: Please see the Preface and Appendix A for details and complete system requirements.
Open for more!
* Explore the latest Fedora 6 features
* Find ten cool things to do with Fedora Linux
* Try out the Fedora 6 Quick Install
Explore the Latest Fedora 6 Features
Intriguing new features for Fedora Linux 6 include support for 3D accelerated desktop animations (with AIGLX) and software from the Mono Project, to run .NET applications created for Windows and Linux systems.
Play with 3D desktop animations
Experimental 3D software lets you rotate workspaces on a 3D cube, choose 3D minimalize effects, and use 3D fade effects.
Run Mono applications in Linux
Mono Project software in Fedora will bring thousands of .NET applications in Linux. For now, try Tomboy sticky notes, Beagle desktop search tool, and F-Spot photo manager.
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